Author Archives: Metzae

Snippet: Long Live the King

The first Symphoniacal teaser is here.
Symphoniacal is a project I’ve been working on this a very long time. It started over a decade ago while I was basically just playing around with some audio editing software. It’s a perennial project that I revisit every time I’m inspired. I’ll never be able to publish or sell it (nor do I really […]
Metzae.net is officially 15 years old!
I registered Metzae.net a decade ago right after adopting the screen name Metzae. Since then, it has grown into a large network of dozens of websites. The original site is completely unique, and I have filled it with things to discover. Some of them are obvious and some are intentionally hard to find. Though the […]
Symphoniacal 8 Preview: Evey’s Enlightenment & Ender’s Throne
This is a five minute preview of the latest version of Symphoniacal. It includes tracks from: V for Vendetta, Ender’s Game, Game of Thrones, Transformers, 28 Days Later, Supreme Commander, World of Warcraft, and more! [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/164764313″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]
How to Download “Symphoniacal” Using Torrent Files

Symphoniacal on Vimeo
5,000 Downloads Through Mininova
As of today, over 5,000 people have downloaded Symphoniacal just using the accredited and peer-reviewed Mininova community. Since it was added to this site, it has become one of the most downloaded non-commercial projects on the internet, and it is impossible to calculate just how many times it has been downloaded outside of Mininova. So, […]
Follow Symphoniacal on Twitter
Since Twitter is enjoying it’s fifteen minutes, now is probably a good time to get in on the action. Please follow Symphoniacal on Twitter. I promise there won’t be many updates. In fact, the only updates will be the same ones you see on this site, so you can keep up with everything without having […]
Symphoniacal 8 Under Destruction
Adobe Audition has been glitchy, my computer has been bitchy, and life has been…well…life. So, for over a year now I haven’t been able to touch Symphoniacal. But after figuring out the conflict that was constantly rebooting my computer (Audition doesn’t like Microsoft Intellipoint) and making enough room on my hard drive, I’ve finally begun […]
Your Music on Symphoniacal
I’ve never really set any goals or expectations for Symphoniacal except that I wanted it to be an enjoyable and complex musical experience. Other than that, I’ve tried to stick to a free-form way of working on it. But I have recently set up two major goals, and they will change a lot about the […]
10,000 Friends!
It’s official: Symphoniacal has so many friends on MySpace that they’ve allowed me to stop approving them. That’s right, I’ve approved ten thousand profiles. Oy. Still, it’s great to know that so many people are paying attention.
Official Facebook Profile
Though we already have a group on Facebook called Symphoniacal Fans, I just discovered that I could create a profile for it instead. If you have a Facebook account, please visit the official Symphoniacal profile and click the “Become a Fan” button. Be one of the first people to join!
6,000 Friends & Facebook
Finally passed the 6,000 mark, which is humbling. Hello to all my new friends. :o) I also created a Facebook group for Symphoniacal fans. If you don’t have Facebook, I highly recommend it. That’s all for now…have a safe and happy New Years!
5,000 Friends and Mininova
The friends keep piling up and so do the downloads! Mostly thanks to shameless self-promotion and BitTorrent, Symphoniacal has started to spread through the internet like a dark and beautiful virus. Infection rate appears to be quite high. Symptoms include increased heart rate, elevated mood levels, dizziness, dry mouth, and increased feelings of paranoia and/or […]
Mininova Content Distribution
Mininova.org has added Symphoniacal to their content distribution list. From now on, if you want to download it, this would be the best way. There are plenty of seeds and it is verified by the Mininova community. To view and download Symphoniacal directly from their torrent list, click here.
Version 7.0 Now Available
If you’ve never heard Symphoniacal all the way through, there has never been a better time to give it a listen. Even if you have heard it before, it’d be worth it to listen again. I’ve changed, added, and deleted so much that many sections are completely different, and now it’s a whole new monster. […]
4,000 friends and counting…
It seems like every time I sign on there are a hundred new friends. I am surprised by the response so far, and I am looking forward to releasing the next version. This profile is now the third most popular site I have behind my Stewart/Colbert 2008 and Colbert/Stewart 2008 profiles, both of which have […]
3,000 Friends on MySpace
Hello to all my new MySpace friends! I’m saying that because more than 90% of this profile’s friends are new as of the past couple weeks. And it’s good timing, too, because version 7.0 is almost here! It will be a very different version, so keep your eyes (and ears) open for that. If you […]
Version 6.9: “The Rage Virus”
Okay, so I’m closing in on the big 7.0 release, which will be the last one until I can find more time to work on it (or if some great music just falls into my lap). I’ve been re-working large sections, and this is a very different version. I’ve stuck to a few themes, updated […]
Version 6.8: “Massive Buildup”
There are major changes taking place and I’m getting really excited about them. Though there is plenty of work left to do before I can release version 7, I am now much closer to the big release. With a set length, a halfway point, lots of good music, and a couple of large goals in […]
Version 6.7: “Ode to Beethoven”
Though the title of this version is about Beethoven, there were no songs added by him on this one. It’s called this because I recently discovered that the 74-minute CD was (allegedly) made that length because the execs at Sony were obsessed with Beethoven’s 9th symphony. Consequently, I have had to rearrange several large sections, […]
2,000 Friends on MySpace and Feelin’ the Love
So, I just noticed that this profile now has 2,000 friends. I don’t have a speech prepared (fortunately) but I just wanted to take this opportunity to say: woo-hoo! And since I have you here, I might as well give you an update. I’ve started working on a drastic change to the piece. I’ve never […]
Version 6.6: “Villians”
So, I made a decision to do a major shift and now there are several songs added, a couple songs removed, and large chunks being moved around. This is the first step towards releasing version 7.0, which will be a significant change from any before it. The whole thing is now exactly 74 minutes long, […]
Version 6.5: “Upgrades”
I upgraded from Adobe Audition 1.5 to 3.0 and decided to spend this version updating little problems and tweaking things that always bother me. Most listeners won’t notice a difference, and that is kind of the point. If I can clean up these little problems and you not notice, I’m doing exactly what I want. […]
Version 6.4 “Dinosaur” Now Available
Added: “Ocean Whispers” from Pirates of the Caribbean by Klaus Badelt – Just felt like it fit nicely and gave it a little more darkness without adding too much melody to the intro. Added: “The End of Our Island” from Dinosaur by James Newton Howard – This is the moment near the beginning of the […]
Have you been having trouble with this site?
All of our download links have been offline and the site has been shut down twice since Nov 14th due to a server crash. Please try again now. The site is back up again and I’m uploading the music as you read this message. As Han Solo would say, “It’s not my fault!”
Version 6.31 Now Available
I made a mistake and saved over the session file, and it set me back a few versions. So, using the MP3 I had of the most recent version, I went back through and had to approximate it. In the process of doing so, I inevitably found several little things I wanted to polish. This […]
Symphoniacal Theater Under Construction
Construction has officially begun! It will be the place where Symphoniacal performances can be heard, (and eventually seen). If you have a Second Life installed, click here to visit. If you don’t have Second Life, you should join right now. It’s free, amazingly cool, and it’s only about a 40MB download. My name is Metzae […]
Version 6.3 “Skywalker” Now Available
I would go through a list of all the changes, but that’d be superfluous considering I’ve started developing a detailed listening guide. Just know that there is a new version, and if you haven’t experienced Symphoniacal, now is a good time to do it. For those who are curious, however, the most important (and serious) […]
Version 6.2 Now Available
I was obsessed for about a week, and this is the result. I have made some significant changes, and (of course) there are some things I feel need improving, but it’s here and available for your listening pleasure. It is only an upgrade from 6.1 to 6.2, but I could’ve considered it a version 7 […]
Version 6.1 Now Available
After almost losing all my data in a hard drive crash– Back your important files up RIGHT NOW! I’ll wait until you get back… Got them backed up? Good. Anyway, I finally got to work a little more and now have added a few new sections, which completely bypasses version 6.0, not that anyone would […]
Symphoniacal Gets MySpaced!
I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner, but at least now it’s done. I’m expecting this to be a great way to connect with people who would enjoy Symphoniacal. Thanks for visiting…seriously.
Version 5.9 Now Available
Added: “The Craziest Mess I’ve Ever Seen” by Steve Jablonski from The Island “Corynorhinus” by Hans Zimmer from Batman Begins
Symphoniacal.com Gets WordPressed
Version 5.8
Added: “Final Battle” by Alan Silvestri from Van Helsing
Version 5.7
Added: “Swords Crossed” by Klaus Badelt from Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Version 5.6
Added: “The Katra Ritual” by James Horner from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Version 5.5
Added: “Babylon” by Jeff Beal from Carnivale “Cylons Fire” by Richard Gibbs from Battlestar Galactica “Governments Should Be Afraid of Their People” by Dario Marianelli from V for Vendetta
Version 5.4
Version 5.1
Added: “Tocatta and Fugue in D minor” by Vanessa Mae
Version 5.0
Added: “1969: Main Title” by David Arnold from Independence Day “1969: We Came in Peace” by David Arnold from Independence Day “Checkmate” by David Arnold from Independence Day Suite from “Hush” by Christophe Beck from Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Strength and Honor” by Hans Zimmer from Gladiator “The Kraken” by Hans Zimmer from Pirates of […]
Version 4.985
Added: “Beyond Rangoon” by Hans Zimmer from Beyond Rangoon “Firestorm” by David Arnold from Independence Day “Main Theme” by Hans Zimmer from The Contender
Version 4.98
Added: “Chant” by Hans Zimmer from Black Hawk Down “Dies Mercurii I Martius” by Hans Zimmer from The Da Vinci Code “Strength and Honor” by Hans Zimmer from Gladiator “Main Theme” by Hans Zimmer from Tears of the Sun
Version 4.97
Added: “Apocalypse” by Jesper Kyd from Hitman
Version 4.92
Added: audio from “God is in the rain” scene in V for Vendetta “Nexus Energy Ribbon” by Dennis McCarthy from Star Trek VII: Generations audio file: “Battle: Swords, Axes, and Horses” audio file: “Medieval Battle”
Version 4.91
Version 4.9
Added: “One Ring to Rule Them All” by Howard Shore from Lord of the Ring: Return of the King Aldous Huxley speaking about psilocybin and LSD
Version 4.8
Version 4.4
Symphoniacal.com Now Online
Woo-hoo! That’s all I really have to say.